CriteriaOne DISC Profiles
CriteriaOne DISC profile tests are among the most popular and accurate employment assessments to assess behavior, style, fit, and employee motivation.
DISC behavior styles can be described as “how” people approach the 4 P’s of everyday living: solving Problems, influencing and interacting with People, handling the Pace, and following rules and Procedures. People with similar behavioral styles tend to exhibit similar work related characteristics.
The acronym D-I-S-C merely represents how four distinct and proven preferences toward working with people and tasks might be observed by others. DISC stands for the four personality styles represented by the letters:
- Direct: how people approach Problems
- Influence: how people influence other People
- Steadiness: how people approach Pace
- Compliance: how people approach Procedures
DISC assessment tests can be used for team building, customer service training, sales training, leadership development, conflict resolution, communication training, and more.
Details about CriteriaOne DISC assessment are available on the Success Performance Systems website. For more information, submit our information request form or call Success Performance Solutions at 800-803-4303.
Direct consultation is available from Success Performance Solutions to help you formulate an assessment plan that will meet the specific hiring and development needs of your organization. Special discounts and pricing are available to GEA members for all assessments available from Success Performance Solutions. Please contact SPS for pricing information.