Predictable Results
The Prevue™ Employee Assessment Test System give you concrete facts to assist in your hiring decision. Give yourself information before you hire and interview that is reliable and accurate. With Prevue™ Assessments, your company will be able to make timely hiring decisions faster with predictable results.
Prevue™ Employee Assessment Tests
The Prevue™ Assessment System includes 3 tests in one. They can be offered and completed separately or as one comprehensive job fit tool.
- Prevue Abilities Test (general mental abilities) measures a candidate’s ability for numerical reasoning (logic), language skills (comprehension), and spatial relations (technical and abstract thinking).
- Prevue Interest Inventory assesses a candidate’s interest in working with data, people and things.
- Prevue Personality Assessment is based upon recognized personality scales for occupational assessment instruments. These are the major scales of Independence, Conscientiousness, Extraversion and Stability, (ICES). The assessment report provides normative results based on 12 personality scales.
In addition, the Prevue™ Assessment System provides proprietary software to create custom job benchmarks to set a standard for each position. It’s easy to use. Managers and current or former employees who understand the job and its requirement complete a short job description survey online and a benchmark report is generated in real-time. Users of Prevue™ Assessment System can also select from the 100s of pre-defined job benchmarks in our library.
Prevue™ is a unique and powerful business management tool. In addition to the personality and interests scales found in many assessments, Prevue includes a validated and reliable General Abilities section. Prevue™ Assessment is at the leading edge of accurately and predictably assessing the whole person when it comes to asking: “Can and will he/she do the job?”
The Prevue™ Assessment is a scientifically designed method of measuring work-related characteristics of people. It is an accurate, valid, and reliable psychometric assessment used for a wide variety of human resource requirements, including assisting in the prediction of the job suitability of candidates for specific jobs, aiding the team building process, and detailing specific information on employees’ training and coaching requirements. Most human resource decisions will benefit from the use of the Prevue™ Assessment in conjunction with work history reviews and interviews. It is recommended that the Prevue Assessment should not constitute more than 30% of the decision-making process for selection of new employees and should be less when assessing existing employees where there is on-the-job information on file.
Prevue™ Assessment Uses and Applications:
- Evaluating job candidates
- Evaluating present employees, to establish Benchmarks
- Screening candidates for promotion
- Evaluating employees to assess training needs
- Building structured interviews
- Linking personalities and abilities to core competencies
- Providing coaching tips for managers
Details about the Prevue™ Assessments are available on the Success Performance Systems website. For more information, submit our information request form or call Success Performance Solutions at 800-803-4303.
Direct consultation is available from Success Performance Solutions to help you formulate an assessment plan that will meet the specific hiring and development needs of your organization. Special discounts and pricing are available to GEA members for all assessments available from Success Performance Solutions. Please contact SPS for pricing information.